Diwrnod Genod Grymus

Do you want to know how to end your day absolutely buzzing and then spend the evening talking your husband’s ears off? Then read on. {English below}

Bore Sadwrn es i i Theatr Derek Williams, Bala ar gyfer “Diwrnod Genod Grymus” – diwrnod i bob merch sydd eisiau gwneud newidiadau positif yn eu bywydau.

Dwi wedi bod braidd yn fflat {on ag off}, am dipyn wan… yn cwestiynu popeth…bach o “be ydw i’n neud gyda fy mywyd?”…”beth YN UNION ydw i eisiau gwneud?”…”oed fi ydi o?!” neu eisiau gwneud y cyfan, ond ddim yn gwneud dim byd amdano… oes rhaid i mi fod yn gwneud unrhyw beth?!…uch, mae’r list yn mynd on ag on.

So, pan weles i fod Lliwen yn rhoi Diwrnod Genod Grymus ymlaen, i was “intrigued”…ond hefo noson allan yn Shrewsbury wedi’i threfnu ar gyfer y nos wener, no chance o ni yn mynd i gyrraedd Bala am 9.30 y bore wedyn. {dwi dal angen tyfu fyny a sylweddoli pan dwi wedi cael digon i yfed a just mynd i gwely!}. Anyway, arol fod yn sal am wythnos, noson allan yn yfed odd y peth ola o ni isio neud {#gettingon}. WinWin situation neu be? Dw i ddim yn siŵr se’r tonsils wedi cytuno, ond hei, erbyn y dydd Iau o ni rili isio gwbod be ma’n nhw’n neud yn y pethe ma, so, ges i docyn i fy hun. Hefyd, gan fod Lliwen yn byw yn Seland Newydd a doeddwn i ddim yn siwr pryd fyddai’r cyfle yma’n codi eto, gan fod y diwrnod yn Welsh! ;)

Dwi wastad wedi bod rhywun sydd yn hapus yn nghwmni fy hun ag a’i i bethau ar fy mhen fy hun os oes rhaid {diwrnod allan, y pub am peint, penwythnos i ffwrdd gyda bloggers eraill}. Felly, roeddwn yn rili edrych ymlaen at y diwrnod wrth i mi neidio i mewn i’r car gyda fy hoff fwg a’m gobennydd {pillow, o rhaid i mi googlo hwn, ha!}, eitemau i fynd hefo ni ar y diwrnod.

Ond, be o ni ddim yn barod am oedd…a dwi wedi penderfynu fy mod i’n mynd i’w alw’n “interaction’ gefais gyda rhywun y bore yne”… {ma ne rheswm pam dwi’n dweud hyn wrthych chi a plis, peidiwch a gweld hwn neu darllen hwn fel ‘bitchy comment’ am y diwrnod na’r hostess, achos, spoiler alert, roedd y diwrnod a Lliwen yn ffycin brill}. Ond ie, doeddwn i ddim yn barod am yr ‘interaction’ a dydw i ddim yn gwybod pam, fel dw i wedi sôn yn barod, a’i rhywle/gwneud pethau ar fy mhen fy hun dim problem, a dwi’n licio meddwl fy mod i’n eithaf hyderus… ond mi nath hwn nocio fi. Digon i’r pwynt roeddwn i’n teimlo bod o ne potensial i hwn ddifetha fy niwrnod. Odd o’n mynd rownd a rownd yn fy mhen …o ni’n dechrau poeni dipyn…ayyb.

A dyma Lliwen yn sefyll i fyny, yn cyflwyno ei hun a son am be oedd y diwrnod yn mynd i’w gynnwys ac ati. Dechreuodd ofyn cwestiynau i ni gyd yn y cynulleidfa, “Beth oedden ni eisiau ei oresgyn?”, “beth oedd yn ein hofni?”, a hyd yn oed “dwi’n teimlo fy mod i yn smashing life…be wan?!” math o senarios “beth oedden ni’n dda yn ei wneud?”,… roedden ni’n ateb, a wedyn ‘se Lliwen yn dod yn ôl gyda gwahanol ffyrdd o edrych ar bethau…a BAM!…ychydig ar ol i Lliwen croesawu ni a dechrau pob dim, I was over it. OVER. IT. Seriously, dyna pa mor dda odd hi. Neu fi odd just rili angen diwrnod fel hyn?! I atgoffa fy hyn pwy ydw i, beth ydw i?! All of the above?! Pwy a wyr. Dydw i ddim eisiau mynd i mewn iddo bellach, dwi ddim isio i hwn ddod yn blog negyddol / adolygiad bitchy, oherwydd roedd y diwrnod yn ‘anything but’! O ni just eisiau dweud, trwy wrando ar yr hyn oedd yn cael ei ddweud ar y llwyfan ac ymarfer yr hyn oedd yn cael ei ddweud, roedd pob dim yn rili gweithio!

100% no fucks given afterwards!

Roedd gweithdai bach yn dilyn pob sesiwn ag oedd o’n gret gweld pawb yn cymeryd rhan. Mewn un gweithdy odden ni’n tynu selfies ac roedd y gwahaniaeth yn fy wyneb o ddechrau’r diwrnod, i’r llun grŵp ar y diwedd a wedyn yr selfie ges i arol cyrraedd adre oherwydd fy mod i dal yn buzzing, yn rhywbeth arall!

Fucks Given {9.30am} to 100% None Given {4pm}!, Unicorn Glasses are highly recommended

Roedd gweithdy arall yn gofyn i ni ysgrifennu beth oedden ni’n hoffi amdanon ni’n hunain, pethau roedden ni’n eu gwneud yn dda ac ati…a phan dwi’n dweud bod ein bwrdd ni’n cael ‘mini therapy sesh’… WE WERE IN IT de. Nes i dewis grwp gwych o ferched i fynd i eistedd hefo. Un neu ddau o wynebau newydd, cwpl o rai cyfarwydd a rhywun roeddwn i yn Ysgol Uwchradd hefo. A good mix.

Yn ystod gweithdy arall o rhaid i ni dynnu llun rhywun ar ein bwrdd heb edrych ar y papur…a rhestru’r hyn yr oeddem yn ei hoffi am y person neu ‘first impressions’ dwi’n meddwl…

Deffo getting framed, ha!

Roedd yna siaradwyr gwadd yno hefyd. Alaw Owen, sylfaenydd, cynrychiolydd a’r weledigaeth tu ôl i “Nerth dy Ben” – “ymgyrch trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg i hybu sgwrs a chodi ymwybyddiaeth o rym a chryfder y meddwl”. Eto, siaradwr gwych arall a roddodd sgwrs ysbrydoledig am y ddamwain car a newidiodd ei bywyd, pŵer y meddwl ac i’n hatgoffa i rannu ein cryfderau ac i ddathlu’r hyn sy’n ein gwneud yn unigryw fel unigolion ac fel cymuned.

Yn siarad gwadd hefyd oedd Mari Elen, podledwr draw yn “Gwrachod Heddiw” – podlediad yn dathlu merched Cymru ac yn ceisio darganfod pa nodweddion maen nhw’n rhannu gyda gwrachod confensiynol. Bu Mari, Lliwen ac Alaw yn trafod yr uchod i gyd yn fanylach ac yn recordio podlediad ar yr un pryd. Roedd yn ddiddorol iawn gwrando arnyn nhw’n trafod sut roedd gwahanol ddigwyddiadau yn eu bywydau wedi’u cael nhw lle maen nhw heddiw…a hefyd yn ddoniol i’w gwylio wrth iddyn nhw wneud eu gorau i beidio â rhegi!

Gorffennon ni’r diwrnod i ffwrdd gyda sesiwn ymlacio dwfn. {Sydd yn esbonio’r gobennydd}. Am ffordd hyfryd o ddiweddu’r diwrnod…ag ie, roedd rhywun yn chwyrnu rhywle…

Roedd bwyd/diodydd/snacs wedi’u cynnwys yn y pris ac roedd y panedi {sydd yn egluro’r mwg} ar gael drwy’r dydd. Roedd basged yn llawn ffrwythau, cnau a chacen ar y bwrdd i ni gyd helpu ein hunain drwy’r dydd hefyd.

Allai ddim bwysleisio digon faint wnes i fwynhau’r diwrnod – os de chi’n meddwl am neud cwrs fel hyn – just go for it!

Mae Lliwen hefyd yn gwneud dosbarthiadau ‘hypnobirthing’ – os yw hyn o ddiddordeb, cysylltwch a hi.

Es i adre ar ôl glassied o bubbly hefo goody bag ciwt, ffrindiau newydd a lot mwy o hyder a rhyw deimlad mawr o “Bring it on…whatever it is, just bring it on!”

Ond roedd rhaid i mi bicio i’r Co-op yn gyntaf i brynu fish i de. ha!

Lliwen MacRae Life Coaching and Hypnobirthing – gwefan / facebook / instagram

Diolch am darllen,


Do you want to know how to end your day absolutely buzzing and then spend the evening talking your husband’s ears off? Then read on.

Saturday morning I headed to Theatre Derek Williams for “Diwrnod Genod Grymus” a day for all women who are wanting to make positive changes in their lives.

I’ve been a bit flat on and off, for a while now…questioning everything…a bit of “what AM i doing with my life?”…is it an age thing?…”what EXACTLY do i want to do?”…or wanting to do it all, but not doing anything about it…do I have to be doing anything?!…uch, the list goes on.

I was intrigued as soon as I saw the first advert for Diwrnod Genod Grymus…but had a night out in Shrewsbury arranged for the night before, so there was no chance i was going to make it back to Bala for 9.30am the next morning. {because I’m yet to grow up and realise when I’ve had enough to drink}. As it turns out, I got ill the week running up to it and wasn’t up for a heavy night of drinking. Was it a win? I’m not sure my tonsils would agree, but hey, I was even more intrigued by the Thursday {what DO they do at events like this?!} so, I got myself a ticket. Especially as Lliwen lives in New Zealand and I wasn’t sure when this opportunity would arise again, with it being in Welsh too.

Now, I don’t mind my own company at all and have gone to things by myself previously {a day out, the pub, a weekend away with other bloggers}. So, I was really looking forward to the day as I jumped into the car with my favourite mug and my pillow, items we were told to bring along with us.

What I wasn’t prepared for…and I’ve decided I’m going to call it an “interaction I had with someone that morning”… {there is a reason why i’m telling you this and please, don’t read this as a bitch about the event or the host, because, spoiler alert, it and Lliwen were fucking brill}. But yes, I wasn’t prepared for it and I don’t know why, because like I’ve mentioned already, I’ll go places/do things by myself no problem, and I like to think myself as a bit confident…but this just kind of threw me a little. Well, quite a bit…to the point that I felt it had the potential to ruin my day. I kept running over it in my head…started to worry a little…started to shrink into my chair.

Then Lliwen got up, introduced herself and told us what the day was going to involve etc. She started asking us questions, “What did we want to overcome?”, “what were we afraid of?”, and even “i’ve achieved x y and z…but what now?!” kind of scenarios “what were we good at?”,… we, the whole audience, were answering , she’d come back with different ways to look at things…and BAM!…a little while later into Lliwen’s Welcome and start to the day, I was over it. OVER. IT. Honestly, that’s how good she is. Or was it that I really needed a day like this?! A reminder of who I am, what I am?! Maybe all of the above?! Who knows. I don’t want to go into it anymore as I don’t want this to become a negative blog/bitchy review, because the day was anything but! I just wanted to tell you that by listening to what was being said on that stage and practicing what was being said, it bloody worked!

100% no fucks given afterwards.

There were mini workshops that followed each session which were great and everyone got involved. One workshop saw us taking selfies and the difference in my face from the start of the day, to the group photo at the end and then the selfie i took when i got home because I was still buzzing, is something else!

Fucks Given {9.30am} to 100% None Given {4pm}!, Unicorn Glasses are highly recommended

Another workshop saw us writing down what we liked about ourselves, things we were good at etc. …and when I say that our table were having a mini therapy sesh…WE WERE IN IT. It was so good. I picked a great gang of girls to go and sit with. It was a group of new faces, a couple of familiar ones and someone who I was in Secondary School with. A good mix.

During another workshop we had to draw someone on our table without looking at the paper…and list what we liked about that person…

Deffo framing mine.

There were guest speakers there too. Alaw Owen, founder, representative and the vision behind “Nerth dy Ben” – “a campaign through the medium of Welsh to promote conversation and raise awareness of the power and strength of the mind”. Again, another great speaker who gave an inspiring talk about the life changing car accident she was involved in, the power of the mind and to remind us to share our strengths and to celebrate what makes us unique as individuals and as a community.

Also guest speaking was Mari Elen, a podcaster over at “Gwrachod Heddiw” – a podcast celebrating the women of Wales and trying to find out what characteristics they share with conventional witches. Mari, Lliwen and Alaw discussed all of the above in more detail and recorded a podcast at the same time. It was really interesting listening to them discuss how different events in their lives had got them where they are today…and also funny to watch as they tried their best not to swear!

We finished the day off with a deep relaxation session. {That’ll explain the pillow}. Which felt like a lovely way to end the day…and yes, there was snoring coming from somewhere

Food/drinks/snacks were included in the price and the panedi {that’ll explain the mug} were coming thick and fast all day. There was a basket full of fruit, nuts and cake on the table for us all to help ourselves throughout the day too.

I can’t stress enough just how much I enjoyed this day and would highly, highly recommend you go and get yourself booked in with Lliwen straight away.

Lliwen also does hypnobirthing classess too – definitely worth checking her out if this is of interest.

I headed home after a glass of bubbly with a cute goody bag, new friends and a huge sense of “Bring it on, whatever it is…just bring it on!”.

But I just needed to pop to the Co-op first to grab some fish for tea. ha!

Lliwen MacRae Life Coaching & Hypnobirthing – website / facebook / instagram

Thanks so much for reading.

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