First Impressions on the Aldi Inflatable Kayak

The conversation about us buying a kayak or a canoe for some good ol’ family fun has been had a few times at ours.  Especially, when we think back to how much fun we had when we did it in France a couple of years back.  So, when Paul saw that Aldi were bringing their Crane Inflatable Kayaks back to store, we knew we just had to get some!  They sold out online pretty much asap…and one morning we decided there and then, we were all downing tools {when I say “tools” I really mean our phones and ps4 controllers…} and to head off to Wrexham straight away just in case there was still some in store.  Turns out, there were 2 left and I grabbed them both before somebody else did!

Sunday evening turned out to be THE perfect evening to try them out…


Calm water and just a handful of others on the lake.


We tried pumping them at home first with our car pump {handy to attach all the extras too before getting there!} and decided that a hand pump would finish it off nicely – this was a good move and made such a difference to the kayak!  So, if you are thinking of getting an inflatable and haven’t got a decent hand pump – get one, definitely worth it!

We let both kayaks down to fit in the boot for the quick drive to Bala Lake and they were up in no time when we arrived.  Time to try them out!


I love this photo!  If not just for the difference from the front of the kayak to the back but also because Alf is pulling a thumbs up and trying to keep himself very, very still at the same time! ha.


I laughed SO much in those first ten minutes on the kayak!  Each Kayak comes with it’s own double paddle and we had a couple of spare single ones in the shed, which we brought with us.  So, I think it was a mixture of no rhythm and maybe some nerves from Robb plus my giggling…but our kayak just kept wobbling…so the more Robb was panicking, the more I was giggling resulting in more wobbling…and the whole time we just kept going round and around in circles!  And then he’d start shouting “Daaaad!  Mam’s not doing it right!” which just resulted in more giggles and wobbles.

{And between you and me…something inside me just really wanted it to capsize!  Just for a minute, just to maybe shut him up, ha!}


But then we got the hang of it…or more Robb did, as he did most of the rowing while I did the important part, like taking the selfies!

Paul and Alfie were making it look so easy…



Alf and his squished cheeks and dry bogey trails…I promise you he’s enjoying himself!  A bit cold by now maybe, but still enjoying himself!


Love my kayakers so much!  Squinty eyes and all.


A lot of fun later, we all decided we were far too hungry to carry on, so it was time to head home for our Sunday Supper!

So, First Impressions of the Kayaks?  Great fun, great value {39.99 each} and in my best Cilla Black voice, a lorra lorra laughs!


{serious face; this post isn’t sponsored in no way, I just wanted to tell you all about our experience with the kayaks…and to also give Bala Lake a bit of a shout out as it’s such a beauty spot!  diolch }



6 thoughts on “First Impressions on the Aldi Inflatable Kayak

  1. I have been eyeing up the kayaks in Go Outdoors (didn’t know that Aldi did them)! My Dad is talking about getting up though, so I may need to “test the water” with that first. Looks so much fun!

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